Sunday, July 1, 2007



Terrorism IS a big business, indeed it is a very profitable business which thrives on Public Fear. That is why the actual the actual terrorists or people whom the security business can relate to "terrorism" the business loses its share of the market and its stocks plummets!! In other word, there must be constant feed to keep the public scared and therefore accept the official version of truth as "real" and accept the status quo! Fox news does that in the US and now its international branch started to do the same.

RUPERT MURDOCH's SKY NEWS now controls the international Feed Service news and would be making big money out of fake news on terrorism and manipulating public opinion.

After watching the infamous Fox News, collaborating with CNN and the MSNBC, for almost six hours mesmerising TV watchers in the world,by a a continuous running of maybe three minutes of video clip of a jeep burning in front of Glasgow International, I suddenly realized what ever body, including myself, have missed. The war on Iraq is good for business,is good for the US economy,is vital for the Military industrial complex and is not going to stop. Now we are in safe hands because the Rupert Murdoch is minister of Propaganda in the War on Terror against Islam!

FOR OVER SIX HOURS they broad casted to the world one video clip of a car as the "Breaking News" until everybody who knows about cars and effectiveness of fire retardants started questioning why a car which in normal highways catch in fire explodes and extinguishes in minutes and this car was burning in front of the world for hours while two retarded fire fighters were playing with water hoses around it, without using fire retardant materials which was apparently used on the driver who set the car and himself on Fire!

Was it all because the new Prime Minister had declared that he is going to follow the world community and the European Union, instead of blindly following the US. Maybe the the phony slogan of "War on Terror" has outlived its usefulness and needed somehow to be put in the front page just before a major Holiday. Was it all

In Case the world has forgotten it is the Communist Chinese Investors, the same people who are forcibly exploiting Chinese,while supporting and financing the War on Terror, while themselves are producing all basic commodities, they actually finance the the US occupation of Iraq. If Cubans were financing the War on Terror now Fidel Castro would have been the American Idol. Chinese communists, whose records of human right violations exceeds that of any nation is the American Darling because it is breaking the back of Chinese people and delivering most of its profit to the US Treasury every Thursday.

No one cares if over 4 million Iraqis have been displaced and over three million are in refugee camps in neighboring countries. Never mind that over one million have been murdered in cold blood whether by the US death Squads of contractors or Blind forces of bombs and missiles. No one knows that if US has suffered more than 30 thousands severely injured how many Iraqis have been injured. The US is staying there to protect the oil pipelines forever. Hillary Clinton, Obama and Edwards can not bring anybody home, because it would be bad for multi national corporations who are supporting their campaign.

War on Terror is invented as a replacement of the Cold War propaganda to frighten the population and justify the necessity of an Imperialistic military force. Since the Imperialism and its insatiable appetite for oil is not going to disappear, the CIA, its agents and its special forces must continuously manufacture terrorists in order to continue their War. That is why, even Osama Bin Ladin is dead, the US must keep him alive as a scarecrow to frighten the public and to justify its aggression in Iraq and elsewhere. Even 99 percent of Muslims in the world deny any knowledge of the CIA Invented "Al Quaeda" or "Jihadists" Fox News and its international Global propaganda organ Sky News would brainwash the public into its existence.

In Guantanamo Bay, they have failed to produce one terrorist or condemn one terrorist who actually can be condemned in a court of law. All we have been given a beaten-up and doctored announcement that such and such person has masterminded 911 and such and such person was the 20th hijacker. No chain of custody of evidence,no legal and bullet proof impartial investigation,no legal cross examination of evidence, no proof that even after 5 years there is no impartial investigation of 911, no explanation of who caused the implosion of all the buildings and why the building #7 was "pulled down" by controlled demolition. No one has addressed how Thermite, a highly military grade explosive, not available to public, was found in the world trade center, which caused the collapse of the building? It was Thermite Reaction that caused a 2500 degree to meltdown the the steal structure and continued the meltdown over 30 days after 911.

IN SHORT TREAT ANY ACCIDENT LIKE Jeep CRUSHING ,OR A A MEDICAL DOCTOR SETTING HIMSELF ON FIRE, JUST AS ANOTHER CRAZY ACCIDENT, and not a terror plot by an organized and centralized terrorists who are determined to harm the West. Most Muslims, in Britain, as well as elsewhere are immigrants who have come to enjoy life in a capitalist society and are not there to harm anyone. No one, in his sane mind, should eve the CNN propaganda of the "Enemy Within", which is another perverted version of Islam, generalized by agents of Zionism to discredit Islam. Muslims,everywhere are just like any Westerners law abiding citizens, looking for a good life in pursuit of happiness. Yet, they are being used as a tool to continue the War on Terror until a new enemy is invented or the moral collapse of the Empire in a financial and moral bankruptcy.

WAR ON TERROR is a propaganda slogan and the public must reject it as an instument of fear to silence the critics. This must be done to preseve the global domination of multinational corporations on natural resources and profit.

Monday, June 18, 2007

This is part 1 of 5. The rest of the video is provided on

Sunday, June 17, 2007


Finally Israel's invention of Hamas is paid off. The entity which was created, financed and instigated by Israel to split the Palestinian identity has finally took over Gaza strip as the biggest prison and Concentration Camp in the world, totally dependant on Israel for food, water and services. HAMAS, took its own identity after its creation and their new leaders were elected in the most democratic way, incomparable to anything in the Middle East.

As Palestinians start killing each other, rather than going against the European occupiers who put them in Gaza in the first place, the Palestinian Identity is approaching its demise. To this end, Gaza strip has been labeled by Israel as a "terrorist entity", which now under the Neo-imperialist Politics Fear, can and would be suppressed by any means.

Already, Israel has cut the Gas and electricity supplies, as they micro=manage their Concentration Camp. The Gaza Concentration Camp has almost 2 million refugees from brutal occupation of their homeland live and die in absolute misery. Now by labeling them as a terrorist entity they would be prey of Israel's aggression and would be suffocated by terror of the IDF and their corrupt Fatah proxies. Many of their new leaders, who by the way were elected by the most careful democratic voting procedure would be assassinated and suppressed.

While Angelina Joli and others are diverting attention of the public to the "Mighty Heart,"and Genocide in Dar fur, the real Genocide of Palestinians and Iraqis would be swept under the blanket of the smoke screen of the so-called " War on Terror," which has brought death and destruction in the middle east and has terrorized Muslims all over the world.

Above all I cry for Palestine, as I see the Palestine Refugee's would be subjected to even more death and destruction. This time by the corrupt forces of Fatah, which were imported from abroad and act as internal proxies to finish the job of destroying the aspiration of Palestinians. What the European settler's of Palestine could not do for seventy years, Fatah's terrorist would do with the help of the Israelis and the US.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Those who were overwhelmed by the events of 9/11 may be overwhelmed again to discover that the government's official account cannot be sustained. Here, a philosopher of science explains that the plane crashes causing fires causing steel to melt and floors to collapse violates laws of physics and engineering and cannot possibly be correct. The collapse of the Twin Towers displays all of the characteristics of controlled demolitions, including the near gravity speed at which they fell, their symmetrical collapse into their own footprints, and their conversion of concrete into very fine dust. The offical account does not even address the collapse of WTC7 nor adequately explain the Pentagon attack. The government's own "conspiracy theory" about 9/11 cannot possibly be true.